Thursday, September 29, 2011

DOGS, DOGS, DOGS..........

Took Cleo to the Vets last week, not good. She has some kind of growth in her right nostril. Doc put her on antibiotics for 10 days but now she's half way thru them and not any better.

Took Coco to the vet, she ways 87lbs, should be around 70. Her eyes are cloudy because of the fatty diet she was on. With being on a better, fat free diet, and better food, the cloudiness should all but disappear.

We had terrible flooding last Friday night. Worse than when the two storms, Irene and Lee, came thru. My stream in the back was almost to the wood shed and the big creek it dumps into was up in my lower yard. My stream has been that high before but never that fast. By Sunday I heard the alarm from the Invisible Fence. Uh Oh. He came out on Wednesday and fixed it. This time, instead of burying it in the stream bed. We took it up the fence pole and across the wire, then down. Most of it was still in the old hose that was originally used back in 1984 when it was first installed. I told dad how we fixed it and he said I shouldn't done it that way cause it's not my meadow fence. So, on the way back home I stopped at said something to Henry. He laughed and said not to worry about it. It's no problem. Which is what I figured he'd say. I went back out there this after and where we ran out of hose I put the IF wire in the split cable coverings that you use for computer coax. I feel better that it's all covered and wire tied on the bottom wire. My IF still works, I hope his does. Henry said it would't hurt anything.

Poor Daisy (yes, I'm back to calling her Daisy, I can't bring myself to call her ButterCup, she is getting use to it, thank GOD) fell off the bed this morning. We all woke up with the noise and then all had to pee. Everybody came in but Cleo, so I went looking for her and here she was standing in the stream like an old cow stuck in the mud. I took off my shoes, put one foot in the stream, got a hold of her collar and with her helping, I pulled her up and out. Then almost fell in myself. I took Daisy to the vet this morning for her shots and talked to doc about my old girl, Cleo. She is not getting better, her hips are getting worse and her breathing is getting more labored. So, I made the decision to put her down tomorrow at noon. I don't want her to get worse over the weekend and not have a vet to take her too. She's been a great dog, but now she can go to heaven and run with her brother, Teddy, whom she has been missing SO much since his death. After 10 dogs and 14 cats, it still doesn't get easier. But, she needs to go out with dignity, and she will. I'll bury her ashes with her brother.



HossBoss said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough day today and now you have a hard task on your plate for tomorrow. I've lost four dogs, two that I had to make the decision for and two that died on their own. It's not easy no matter which way it ends up. But you are doing a final kindness for Daisy. You're a great doggy mommy.

SHARON said...

Thanks, HB. I try to be a good mommy to these critters. They sure are a lot of company. But, it is ever so hard to lose one.