Wednesday, October 8, 2014


no doubt about it.  Monday, when we got to Dad's, he was in the barn, messing with the chains for his John Deere 1020 Diesel.  He had taken them off this summer 'cause a friend, Dick, asked to borrow it to move some dirt at his father-in-law's place up the road.  So, I asked Dad where was Dick to help put these chains back on?  No answer.  So, we started straightening these nasty things out.  Got the first one on and hooked.  He was really tired, so we quit for the day.  Tuesday, we went over early and I asked him when was he going to do the other chain.  After lunch.  OK.   Needed to go get cat food as they were totally out and I was lucky to get out of the house alive.  Told him we'd be back after lunch.  Went for the cat food and when we returned, he was already back in the barn.  IT TOOK US 2 HOURS TO DO THE SECOND CHAIN!  Stupid thing was all twisted up.  Thought we'd never get it figured out.  Boy, did I hurt this morning, I imagine he does too.  But, the chains are on, winter is coming, snow will be falling.  Still trying to figure out how he's going to move the walker thru the snow to get to the barn.  Think I'll talk to Crocket and warn him of Dad's plans this winter.  Maybe he'll get to Dad's driveway first.

It's been raining every night, and windy during the day.  Did manage to get the yard mowed on Monday as more rain is in the forecast for Friday and Saturday.  Been burning the wood stove in the birdroom mostly in the evenings.  Need to cover the A/C's and close off the bottom of the house.  Just can't let go of fall quite yet.  Have some firewood to cut up when the spirit moves me.

Soon time for Elliott to go to the vet.  His little gonads are growing.  Been trying to break the news to him gently, but, he doesn't get it.  Asked my vet if I could watch, she said she didn't care.  Stopped yesterday to chat with her employees*, but, she was there so I had to wait.  Mean while, I watched her spay a 1 year old Chocolate Lab.  Really cool.

*The 4 ladies that work for her want the artist, Tom, that did the portrait of Archie, to do Mary's four dogs for her Christmas present.  I talked with him on Tuesday, he gave me the particulars and I gave them his phone number.  As luck would have it, Mary is going away next week, so, they should be able to make this happen.  Fingers crossed.


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