Thursday, March 12, 2015

SHE'S GONE.................


Tewshooz said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Yeah, it hurts so much. How kind and caring you are to let the 3 others see. They know,

Dizzy-Dick said...

So sorry. Our pets are like children to us and when one passes it is like loosing a member of our family. I have tears in my eyes. . .

Anonymous said...

So very very sorry on the loss of your beloved doggie..I think you are a terrific pet lover and human being for taking the 3 other pets to view the doggie so they would know that she is gone from this earth..They seem to adjust better, our 2 kitteh cats knew something was up when the two kitteh cats we had the longest died, we let them see them and then we buried them a boy and a girl they seem to know they are gone and the tulips that are growing near their final resting spots are blooming very early this year..I read your blog and I just found out sending deept sympathies in your loss, respectfully mary from the pacific northwest! Prayers for your broken heart too! ciao

SHARON said...

A couple of friends have asked what Coco, Phoebe and Archie did when I took them over to see Daisy. Coco, who came with Daisy 4 years ago, went up to her and smelled, then walked away. Archie just looked at her and backed away. Little Phoebe however, went over to her, kissed her and licked her face, smelled all over and started licking her face again. I had to pick her up. She is turning out to be a little sweetie. Thanks to all for your condolences.