I am blessed to still have my dad, who will be 94 on July 6th. He's outlived his sister, baby brother, all four cousins on his father's side and about half of the cousins on his mother's side. All of his old friends are gone, but, he makes new friends easily. When my mom was dying, and, we had hospice come in, they interviewed the family. I remember the lady asking him, very quietly and sympathetic-like......''So, how many friends do you have?'' Which I thought, at the time, was an odd question. My sister and I looked at each other, wondering why she asked that. He replied, "Oh, I don't know, what do you think girls, 200?" We both said, "Yeah, about that." I thought that women would fall off of the kitchen chair.
Went over to Dad's this morning, we took one of his cats, MoMo, to the vets on Thursday with ear trouble. She cleaned them real good, no ear mites, gave him a rabies shot and flea medicine that also takes care of intestinal worms and ear mites. Sent him home with drops, twice a day. He is such a good cat that I can do it myself. Dad gets ALL worked up, so the cat stays calmer if dad doesn't help. I wished him a Happy Father's Day, then left, he was headed to church. After church, he and Miss Sarah are going to a neighbors birthday party at the fire hall. Marion is turning 90 and she told her daughter she wants a party, so, a party it is! Just ice cream and cake and such. I'm sure a good time will be had by all.
Spent most of the time yesterday in the yard. Trimmed trees that are hitting me in the head or making me duck so far that I almost fall off of the mower. Each time I mow, I tell myself to trim the trees before I mow again, so finally did it. And then, finally got around to burning the trash. Why is it....there is NO wind until you light that match. My burn pile is right at the creek, so I don't get too concerned.
Gotta go, clean house.
It sure sounds like you have a wonderful Dad. Enjoy him while you can.
I do.
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