since 4 am. Nice, steady, rain. Now I'll HAVE to finish that flower bed. I'll put LOTSA mulch on it and maybe, just maybe, it won't be as bad next year. It's a fairly new flower bed, compared to the front of the house. I attacked it when we bought the house in 1978. So, each year it's fairly easy to maintain. But, didn't put the side bed in until 2001 when we built the addition. Never did finish the one in the back, got it half done, maybe next spring.
Was getting ready to leave yesterday when a silver van pulled into the driveway. She started rattling off about how her grandmother use to live here when her dad was born, and, would it be OK to bring them by sometime. I gave her the 10cent tour, and, eventually found out (when she finally shut up and took a breath) she lives on the farm on the road behind me. Her sister-in-law manages the golf course restaurant where I take Archie for breakfast. Cool.
I hate to admit it, or, even say it, and, if my half-sister were still alive, she would flog the daylights out of me for doing so, but, I think Dad's going down-hill this year. He has been getting frail over the past couple of years but, yesterday his remarks were oh so negative. I tell him, he can pay someone to mow the yard and I'm sure his Amish neighbors would clean his house for a fee. They love making money. Why don't I do it, you ask? HA! I could never do anything to please the man. Don't even go there. So, I tell him, it would be cheaper to pay these people than to sell out and go into a home. But, as usual, I'm only 2 years old.
Must go unclog a toilet, later.............
Good luck with your dad. I am only 70 years old but I am already stuck in my ways and don't want anybody trying to change the way I do things. So there!! Got that off my chest.
Yeah, I'm thinking its a 'man thing'. I wouldn't have had this problem with mom.
My mother in law lived to nearly 87 she assumed her many sons would take care of starting with my hubs who was the oldest, oh, yes we did as much as we could but lived away from her, pretty toxic person indeed. Set in her ways from the day I got married, I never cared for her but was always nice and we had the only girl grandchild who she adored, she liked me a lot, but I never let her control me like she tried to do to her only 2 girls who she actually hated, her sons took her for the ride of her life money wise when she got a huge increase in her social security after her first hubs died he was a big time owner of a company, they tried to drain her dry..It was not pleasant but oh, no her boys were her favorite..You cannot change anyone I suspect my MIL and FIL were both so stubborn no one could get them to do one damn thing unless they wanted to do so, married and never divorced even though the hubs left her with 8 kids to support by herself and no money, nada, what a man he was not..good luck!
Yeah, Anon....I guess all of us could write a book or two. I think ALL families are dysfunctional. There is NO Ozzie and Harriet home out there. Lets face it, did Ozzie ever go out to a job? I don't think he ever left the house. We were so naïve back then.
They run Ozzie and Harriet on the tv all the time, I thought it was a fairy tale indeed.Most men have to leave each day and fight for a job, women to me have it worse than when I graduated from high school in 1966, men still make more than a college educated woman, the few who do, must never marry, never have children, well that is okay with me, I have one that is enough for any working woman and most men don't do housework, mine does but of course he had to be the parent to many siblings who fought him tooth and nail no wonder he moved far away from them and we got married and lived far away, we came back but lived across a big bridge and they never bothered us, had to call and pay for longdistance, they were not helpful and always begging for money for drugs, alcohol which of course they never got one damn dime from us, when mom passed that was it, never hear from any of them which is fine with me, I think most families have hellraisers, drunks, mentally ill and the lot, one can never pick one's relatives..have a good weekend and hope you do get some sunshine soon!CiaoX()
Anon...I agree. I have a friend who says, "Just 'cause they're related to you, don't mean you gotta love 'em." My circle of family and friends is mighty small. Cuts down on the stress.
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